Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and semiconductor nanocrystals (SCNCs) are known to be interesting donor–acceptor partners due to their unique optical and electronic properties. These exciting features have led to the development of novel composites based on these two nanomaterials and to their characterization for use in various applications, such as components in sensors, transistors, solar cells and biomedical devices. Two approaches based on covalent and noncovalent methods have been suggested for coupling the SCNCs to CNTs. Most covalent conjugation methods used so far were found to disrupt the electronic structure of the CNTs or interfere with charge transfer in the CNT–SCNC interface. Moreover, it offers random and poorly organized nanoparticle coatings. Therefore, noncovalent methods are considered to be ideal for better electronic coupling. However, a key common drawback of noncovalent methods is the lack of stability which hampers their applicability. In this article, a method has been developed to couple semiconductor seeded nanorods onto CNTs through π–π interactions. The CNTs and pyrene conjugated SCNC hybrid materials were characterized by both microscopic and spectroscopic techniques. Fluorescence and photocurrent measurements suggest the proposed pi-stacking approach results in a strong electronic coupling between the CNTs and the SCNCs leading to better photocurrent efficiency than that of a covalent conjugation method reported using similar SCNC material. Overall, the CNT–SCNC films reported in the present study open the scope for the fabrication of optoelectronic devices for various applications.