Lundquist, P. M. ; Yitzchaik, S. ; Marks, T. J. ; Wong, G. K. ; Bella, D. S. ; Cohen, R. ; Berkovic, G. Novel Spectral Characteristics of Second-Order Optical Nonlinearities in Poled Polymer Films Containing Charged Chromophore Aggregates. Physical Review B 1997, 55, 14055.
We report measurements of the frequency dependence of anomalous second-order electric susceptibilities of polymer films containing hyperpolarizable chromophore guest molecules and poled using coplanar electrodes. The frequency dependence, polarization dependence, and magnitude of the observed second-order susceptibilities are radically different from those of conventional corona-field poling experiments and cannot be explained by isolated chromophore models. These observations and the results of sum-over-states perturbative electronic structure calculations argue for the importance of positively charged chromophore aggregates.