Searching for Photochromic Liquid Crystals. Spironaphthoxazine Substituted with a Mesogenic Group


Shragina, L. ; Buchholtz, F. ; Yitzchaik, S. ; Krongauz, V. A. Searching for Photochromic Liquid Crystals. Spironaphthoxazine Substituted with a Mesogenic Group. Liquid Crystals 1990, 7 643-655.


A number of photochromic spiropyrans and spirooxazines containing mesogenic groups were synthesized. Only one of them, spiro-indoline-naphthoxazine with mesogenic substituent, 4-(4-heptylbenzoyloxy)benzoyloxy in 5-position, revealed mesomorphic properties. Its phase behaviour, photochromism and alignment in the electric field was investigated. A structure of the mesophase is discussed.


Last updated on 04/27/2016