Two-Dimensional Poling of Organic and Polymer Films for Improved Nonlinear Optical Properties


Yitzchaik, S. ; Berkovic, G. ; Krongauz, V. A. Two-Dimensional Poling of Organic and Polymer Films for Improved Nonlinear Optical Properties. Optics Letters 1990, 15, 1120.


Nematic films doped with molecules of high nonlinear polarizability can exhibit two-dimensional asymmetry after electric-field poling along one direction only. Consequently, these films exhibit more nonzero components of the second-order susceptibility tensor than are obtained through usual poling techniques. These films can exhibit very high nonlinear optical coefficients (close to 10−7 esu/cm3) and retain most of their nonlinearity one week after removal of the poling field.


Last updated on 04/27/2016